Data Structuring: Set Your Data Up for AI and BI Success

By Esteban Rodriguez | April 25, 2024

Getting the most out of your artificial intelligence (AI) and business intelligence (BI) hinges on having a solid data structuring plan.

Well-organized data is a critical foundation for all AI and BI efforts. It empowers organizations to maximize the potential of these technologies.

In this blog, we will analyze the foundational elements of long-term AI and BI success and how you can structure your data to help you get there.

This is part one of a two-part series. In the next blog, we will go over Data compliance and governance.

Best Practices for Data Structuring

Let’s explore fundamental data structure best practices. The goal of implementing these is to optimize data quality and accessibility, facilitate insight extraction, enhance AI efficiency, and enable seamless data manipulation.

When preparing data for optimal effectiveness in AI and BI applications, it's essential to focus on four key categories:

Quality and Availability

The effectiveness of our AI models relies greatly on the quality and accessibility of our data. Properly structured data ensures that our AI models have a robust foundation. This involves organizing, cleaning, and standardizing our data into formats conducive to analysis.

Insight Extraction

Structured data is imperative in extracting valuable insights and making strategic decisions in BI. Structured data facilitates the extraction of actionable intelligence necessary for informed decision-making. By organizing data, businesses can unlock meaningful patterns and trends to derive valuable insights and drive strategic initiatives.

Efficiency in AI

Optimization in AI heavily relies on a well-structured team that can empower AI by providing accurate data for training and testing machine learning (ML) models. This improves efficiency and accuracy. The ideal AI team comprises individuals with diverse skill sets, each contributing crucial expertise to the data and analytics ecosystem, including:

  • Data Analyst: Interprets data using statistical analysis and communicates insights through visualizations.
  • Business Analyst: Bridges IT and business, gathering requirements and ensuring alignment.
  • Data Scientist: Develops machine learning models and algorithms for data analysis.
  • Data Engineer: Designs and maintains data architecture (databases, data lakes, warehouses).
  • BI Developer: Creates data analysis tools, including dashboards and reporting software.
  • Data Steward: Manages data assets, ensuring quality and consistency across the organization.
  • Project Manager: Leads BI and AI projects, coordinating team efforts for successful implementation.

Data Manipulation

Essential for enabling efficient AI and ML data structures, data manipulations involve preparing data through the Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) process. This ensures it is in a usable format for modeling. During ETL, data is extracted, transformed, and loaded to ensure uniformity and consistency across organizational datasets. This includes handling missing values, standardizing date formats (e.g., day-month-year or month-day-year), and ensuring consistency in currency and decimal handling.

Standardization in data manipulation is crucial for optimizing data quality and reliability. It supports accurate and meaningful insights for AI and machine learning applications.

By focusing on these best practices, organizations can maximize the effectiveness of their data for AI and BI applications, paving the way for enhanced analytics and strategic decision-making.

Getting Executives to Buy-in to Data Structuring

Above all, gaining executive buy-in is crucial for the success of AI and BI projects. Achieving this is pivotal in ensuring project alignment with long-term business objectives and securing the necessary resources.

Research shows that over 60% of successful projects had strong executive support, underscoring the substantial impact of gaining executive buy-in. Additionally, only about 12% of organizations have advanced AI to the point of witnessing significant business transformation. These numbers highlight the ongoing nature of AI and ML initiatives that require sustained executive sponsorship and investment.

Taking time to ensure executive buy-in ensures that AI and BI projects receive the necessary support, resources, and strategic alignment needed for success in today's dynamic business landscape.

Setting up for Data Structuring Success:

There are several steps to go through when preparing for the success of AI and BI integration. Here are a few key strategies we recommend to ensure effective implementation and impactful outcomes:

  1. Define Specific Goals Aligned with Business Strategy: Clearly define your goals and ensure they align with your overall business strategy. This alignment provides a clear direction for AI and BI projects.
  2. Secure Executive Buy-In Early: As mentioned earlier, executive buy-in is critical from the outset to secure support, resources, and strategic alignment for our initiatives.
  3. Assemble a Skilled Team: Building a team with diverse skills, including data analysts, data scientists, business analysts, data engineers, BI developers, and project managers, is crucial for successful project execution.
  4. Ensure Access to High-Quality Data with Governance Policies: Access to high-quality data is fundamental. Equally important are robust governance policies to manage and govern data effectively.
  5. Invest in the Right Technologies: Choose the appropriate technologies for data storage, processing, and analysis, whether on-premises, cloud-based, or hybrid. This supports the scale and complexity of our projects.
  6. Address Ethical and Equitable AI Use: Prioritize ethical, equitable, and responsible use of AI by implementing compliance processes and frameworks.
  7. Define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Establish clear KPIs to measure project success and monitor progress towards our defined goals.
  8. Plan for User Adoption and Usage: Ensure that your AI and BI solutions are adopted by planning and implementing effective adoption strategies.
  9. Implement Continuous Evaluation and Improvement Processes: Develop processes for continuous evaluation and improvement of projects based on iterative data cycles. From there you can adapt your approaches as needed.

Implementing these strategies will lay the strong groundwork for successful AI and BI initiatives, enabling your team to achieve your objectives effectively and deliver meaningful value to our organization.

Early Stage Data Structuring Project Factors to Consider

When starting AI and BI initiatives there are many ideas to consider. However, it's important to emphasize the immediate impacts and tangible benefits these technologies have on your business to key stakeholders. This approach cultivates support and investment for future projects. To achieve these initial successes, consider the following key factors:

  1. Identify Business Problems or Opportunities: Identify specific business challenges or opportunities that can benefit from AI or BI solutions. Focus on areas where data-driven insights can make a significant impact.
  2. Assess Data Availability and Quality: Evaluate the availability and quality of data needed to support your project objectives. Ensure you have access to relevant and reliable data sources for training and testing models.
  3. Define Clear and Measurable Goals: Establish clear, specific, and measurable goals for the project. Define what success looks like and how you will measure the impact of your AI or BI solution on business outcomes.
  4. Align with Existing Infrastructure and Resources: Consider whether the project aligns with your organization's current infrastructure and resource capabilities. Avoid projects that require extensive new investments or resources beyond your capacity.
  5. Evaluate Potential Return on Investment (ROI): Estimate the potential ROI and value the project can deliver to the business. Prioritize projects that offer tangible benefits and quick wins to demonstrate the value of AI and BI initiatives.
  6. Focus on Ethical and Responsible Use: Adhere to ethical guidelines and best practices in AI and BI. Ensure transparency, fairness, and accountability in data usage and decision-making processes.

Start with a project that addresses specific business needs and demonstrates measurable value. This is key to gaining buy-in and support for broader AI and BI adoption across your organization.

Maximizing BI Dashboards: Reporting with Structured and Unstructured Data

Understanding how structured data feeds into BI dashboards and reporting is essential for unlocking actionable insights. One common approach to integrating structured and unstructured data is through a star schema, favored by many analytics programs like Power BI for its efficiency in data connection and insight extraction.

The Star Schema in BI Integration

The star schema organizes data into two primary table types: structured and unstructured data or fact tables and dimension tables. Fact tables serve as the central hub of the star, containing measurable data such as sales or quantity—critical metrics for business analysis. On the other hand, dimension tables provide descriptive context around the fact data, including dimensions like time, geography, or product.

Hierarchy in Dimension Tables

Dimension tables are structured with hierarchies that facilitate data filtering and slicing. For example, a time dimension hierarchy may include levels such as year, quarter, month, and day, enabling users to drill down or roll up to different periods for detailed or summarized analysis. Similarly, a geography dimension can start from a continent down to a city, allowing users to explore sales or performance metrics at varying geographical levels.

Enhancing BI Insights with Drill-Down Capabilities

The star schema's hierarchical structure empowers BI dashboards and reporting with drill-down capabilities. Users can navigate through different levels of data granularity, gaining deeper insights into business performance and trends. Whether analyzing sales by city or exploring annual trends, the star schema facilitates dynamic data exploration and visualization.

Understanding how structured and unstructured data is organized and utilized within the star schema framework enhances the effectiveness of BI dashboards and reporting, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning based on comprehensive data insights.

Bridging the Gap Between AI and BI: How They Work Together in Data Structuring

In the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and business intelligence (BI), you can leverage the strengths of each to drive comprehensive data-driven insights and operational efficiencies across various business functions. Here are a couple of ways AI and BI combine forces to generate richer insights and greater operational efficiency:

Data Integration:

AI is crucial in processing large volumes of unstructured data, enabling integration with structured data—BI's forte. This integration provides a holistic view of business operations by combining unstructured and structured data sources.

Predictive Analytics:

BI excels in analyzing historical data, while AI specializes in predictive analytics to forecast future trends. By integrating both technologies, organizations can leverage historical data insights to train AI models for more accurate and robust predictions, enhancing decision-making and strategic planning.

Automated Insights:

AI facilitates the automated extraction of insights from data, enabling real-time analysis and decision-making. BI complements this by providing dynamic and responsive dashboards and reports that visualize these insights, empowering users with actionable information.

Operational Efficiency:

AI identifies inefficiencies in business processes through statistical analysis and optimizing operations. BI tracks and measures the impact of AI-driven optimizations over time, providing continuous feedback on operational improvements and guiding strategic decision-making.

By leveraging AI and BI in tandem, you can unlock synergies that enhance data integration, predictive analytics, automated insights, and operational efficiency, ultimately driving smarter business decisions and fostering sustainable growth.

Microsoft's Commitment to Data Structuring Transformations:

You can commit to AI and BI technologies with confidence. Microsoft's strong commitment to these data-driven transformations underscores a strategic focus that is backed by substantial investments, ensuring longevity and continuous innovation in AI and analytics. With a multi-year, multi-billion dollar commitment, Microsoft is paving the way for advancements in AI through OpenAI and the integration of state-of-the-art technologies like GPT-4, Turbo Dolly 3, and Whisper 3.

Want to Learn More About Data Structuring, AI, and BI?

Get in touch with Stoneridge Software! All of these moving parts make up a data structure that will serve your business' needs and ensure your data is optimized for use in AI and BI technologies.

Our experts can help you establish a process to organize and store your data to help you get there.

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